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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Singapore: Day One

The Fajardo family arrived in Singapore on February 7 (Sunday). The flight to Changi airport went smoothly -- Ethan ate well while at the Manila airport, and was relaxed and quiet on the plane. He even fell asleep!

Praise God for His provision of two free round trip tickets for the Fajardos. Thank God also for the stewardesses who were extremely friendly in assisting Grandma and Tina during the flight-- as Tina didn't feel well while on the plane.

Ms. Neri Mamburam, Deb (Geoff's niece), and Ansen Li picked the Fajardos up from the airport. They are now staying at Ate Neri's home (thank God for her hospitality)... The house is especially nice and clean---perfect for Ethan's condition!

On Monday, the family will meet with one of the doctors who is facilitating the tests for Ethan. Tina will have her re-assessment done on Tuesday (Singaporean doctors will perform a second round of tests to confirm her donor qualifications -- this is a standard practice for ACLDT).

Please pray for Tina and Ethan-- that they won't get sick. Also, for quick and accurate tests for Ethan.

Please continue to pray for God's abundant provisions. A significant amount is still needed to cover the cost of the transplant and the after care.

PS. ACLDT means "Asian Centre For Liver Diseases & Transplantation"


  1. Once again, I am praying all will go well with Ethan, as well as Tina as a donor. May the Lord provide all the strength for Ethan. From George Ha

  2. We are running with Ethan on this one =) We are all praying!!!

  3. Praying for Ethan and you guys! - Hes
