- Bilirubin normal @ 26 (0-26 umol/L) - Feb 8 was 356. Everyday, it decreases. That's why his eyes are whiter and his skin is fairer now.
- Liver enzymes are getting to normal levels: SGPT 45 (normal 0-40), SGOT 76 (normal 3-40), Albumin 32 (normal 37-51)
- CBC is good; platelet @ 135 now (normal 140-460).
- Electrolytes @ normal levels. This is the renal dysfunction indicator. Na 139 (normal 135-150), K 4.4 (normal 3.3-5.0)
- His wounds (surgery cut, central line, ex-drain hole) are dry.
Even more exciting is that... Ethan is ready to be discharged from the hospital on April 6! Praise the Lord!
Tina is also doing good. She is regaining voice, mobility & strength. She can already walk short distances slowly. God continues to sustain her and Geoff as they take care of Ethan.
Our God truly is amazing! His faithfulness and love never fails! Do continue to remember the Fajardos in your prayers! Thank you for helping make the journey less difficult for Ethan and his family!